Wednesday, October 31, 2012

i just love this video. 
and the kids at the end are hilarious.
"you sneaky mom!" 

happy halloween!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

this is why i love skyping my sister. she is beautiful. and her kids are adorable. what could be better than spider-man showing off his muscles in celebration of  trick-or-treating tomorrow? and lovely Jannessa...with her trademark smile and leopard helmet. 
so just pretend that the pictures aren't blurry.
but its alright that they are. because that's how life goes. it gets messy. life isn't always sure and clean cut, as much as i wish it was. 
so thanks for reminding me of where i'm from and what i want. and that its ok to not have it all figured out. what else is family for?

i hate to spoil the ending, but everything is going to be fine.

Monday, October 22, 2012

nothing like a rainy day and hot cocoa to make you feel sappy

this is what happened today. 
Bronte was sick. so was i. it was rainy. see why this happend?
we thought it was a good excuse.
and one thing led to soon walking down college ave was photography session.
this is what we found. in case you were wondering what is written on the window, it says "i still love you darlin! have a great day!" imagine our shock and delight when the door opened. and someone lived there. and we snatched this shot of a blurry bike in the stairwell. and got a little peek into the life of some adorable couple that lives right here in Rexburg...perhaps smudged around the edges but adorable none the less.
further imagine our delight when this is what the streets look like! in our very own town! welcome back. and the trees tried real hard to look as beautiful as they did in Utah. good form, Rexburg. i mean, that yellow! the puddles! they were even giving me lovely reflection shots! good day.
the whole day ended with a night of watching the debate and eating caramel apples turned into midnight madness at 7:00. don't you love these darling girls? i sure do.
because sometimes you just need one day of ignoring homework and soaking up some calm air that smells of rain. and let life just run right by for a day. then you pick yourself back up and start running with it tomorrow.
"now and then it's good to pause in our pursuit of happiness and just be happy."
.:Guillaume Apollinaire:.

Saturday, October 20, 2012


sometimes we like to match. not on purpose. it just happens. and then we go to DI.
and at DI we find little gems like this. mutts it to ya? don't you just want to be wearing that all over town? i do. just not enough to actually buy it.
but no worries. because i did buy this number...a sexy grey sweater. from the men's section. that i shopped for with an old guy wearing more flannel than i own. and he probably thought i was crazy. and yes, yes i do wear this. in public. and i love it.
 thank goodness that days of adventuring usually end up with walks to the railroad tracks.
and for fall leaves. there is just something satisfying about walking through a pile of that yellow and orange, crackling beneath your feet like you own the place.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

things i've been lovin' lately

farmer's market. because obviously. that peach-raspberry tart was absolutely divine. heaven in my mouth. and they were so pretty. plus, do you see those rows of homemade fudge? so did we. and we bought two squares. and dips and fruits. Bront calls it "farmer's market YOLO." even though i kinda hate that saying, i kinda love her for saying it. because who knows when you're going to snag deliciousness like that in a college town?

also this. it was at the market. and don't worry, it was rainbow perfection.
ok. second off, what is with the elevators here? i know i said i try to avoid them...but! things are just getting to be all sorts of fun!

see what i mean? yep.

also, scarves and colored skinnies and silky shirts and days that you don't have to wear a jacket because Rexburg decides not to be freezing. nuff said.

ps...and Hall and Oates. because this song makes my day. everyday. especially the fact that i can listen to it about 73 times and still love it. and never get over their hair.

Bronte had a date in like 30 minutes. and didn't want to ruin her make-up, but had to wash her hair. i told her to wash it in the tub. she said she couldn't. so i had to do it for her...obviously.
the things i do for my roommates.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

real words

late at night, everything gets really funny. like telling stories about trying to teach grandpa's how to use the internet...and they open a word document. and we start saying funky words that aren't really real words. and getting called out on it.
exhibit a:
"do you want some cereal, Bront?"
"nope. i've got tuna casserole."
"well...i have a whole nother box if you want some."
nother? is that a word? Kendall and i didn't even notice, but Bronte sure did. 
exhibit b:
"my teacher says 'ruther' instead of 'whether"...
ruther you have a whole nother box of cereal or not...

pretty sure i had a six pack by the end of last night.

ps...if this post makes me seem a little crazy, and isn't funny at all...then i guess you had to be there. because it was hilarious.

Friday, October 5, 2012

mesa falls

driving through the mountains at sunset is possibly the best fix for a less than perfect day. so that's precisely what we did. 

isn't that last bit of light whispering in over the mountains delightful? mmm hmmm. sometimes living in Idaho is more than ok.
 i loved henry's fork almost as much as i love the name henry. which is saying something.

welcome back, autumn. i've been missing you. if you want to stay a while, i probably wouldn't be mad.
love, cara

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Rori and Lorelai-ing it

Girl's Night! and how i needed it. Bronte, Ali, and i went to the Relief Society Broadcast (which was so wonderful. watch it here) after a long day of reading...and homework...and reading...

anyway. back to our night. after the broadcast, we went to Thor's and got a dollar scoop of ice cream. Holla for that wonderful invention that is Reed's dairy for one dollar. brilliant. and we got Chinese take-out from Fongs. and a quick stop at Wal-Mart for tomorrow night's dinner. then we were home free! time to watch The Proposal and be total girls. (except that Brandon and Tucker came for a minute. but we don't cout that).
it was so nice to have that again. i've been missing it! i absolutely adore those two girls and am so blessed to have them as roommates.
not to mention that we felt all Gilmore-girls-meets-New-York in our fourth floor apartment with Chinese food and a movie.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

family...isn't it about time?

yeah. about time that i did this post. first off, helllllloooooo valley! what a gorgeous place to come home too. not to mention that my sister is there. and she brought two babies. 

we could not get enough of this little darling! Zola Jane. what's not to love? ahh...isn't she precious? her little hand propping up her head when she sleeps and getting so milk drunk. i love these pure, sweet, innocent spirits that Heavenly Father trusts us with.

yep. he's holding her hand to help her up the stairs. yeep!

 and 'the cutest kids in the world' award goes to.....Taven and Elsie! they wanted to have a sleepover, but couldn't stop laughing. they are two opposites in so many ways. Taven is loud, active, and loves attention. don't try to cuddle him, he wants to be running! but Elsie is happy, content to sit and play, and quiet. she goes into nursery and comes out as their new favorite. they are so fun together!

and we went hiking. a family favorite. just a little side note...i look so much like my other sister in this picture. what is going on?! i am supposed to be way younger than her!
there is no better way to feel renewed than getting out in nature as the seasons change. the crisp air somehow cleans out my soul. 
i will forever be grateful for parents that taught me that. they showed me that my Father in Heaven speaks to me in those simple, unencumbered moments in the woods. 

good looking people right there!
i could just write a love note to the valley. for letting me live there. for giving us God's beauty all around. for providing an escape from the world.
xoxo to my family. especially Ally and her adorable babes and hubby. 
ahh. welcome, autumn. it's starting off pretty darn fabulous.

best friends go out in their pajamas

 oh how i love these girls.
i realize that this happened quite a while ago, but i just had to post about it. because it made my day that we went out to Kirts. in our pjs. and a girl asked if it was Frankie's 16 birthday, when in fact she was getting married. classic.
i have been so lucky and extremely blessed to know four of the most beautiful, loving, hilarious, talented, and amazing girls. they became my sisters and we took on high school together. i am so grateful for that. countless nights were spent together...waking up like this on Rachel's living room floor.

we have laughed and cried together. danced and sang. been a shoulder to cry on and a listening ear. eaten way more gluten-free cakes than most humans. and learned to be our best selves.
here's to taking on the world, and knowing that if i ever need them, my girls will be there.